Results for 'Sherouq Bani Khaled'

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  1.  5
    Relationship between Attention Concentration and Ability of Endurance and Dynamic Balance among the Female students at (9-12) Age Group. [REVIEW]Ahmad Salem Bataineh, Sherouq Bani Khaled, Mo'een Ahmad Oudat, Shafe’ Suleiman Telfah & Nart Aref Shoukeh - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:64-73.
    The dynamic balance is a significant skill in all age groups and it is required for regular daily activities, such as walking and running. Therefore, this study aimed at identifying the differences in concentration of attention, aerobic endurance and dynamic balance among female students in age group (9-12) years. As well as the relationship between attention concentration and ability of female students on aerobic endurance and dynamic, balance. To achieve the objectives of the study the researchers used the descriptive approach (...)
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    Reexamining the Expected Effect of Available Resources and Firm Size on Firm Environmental Orientation: An Empirical Study of UK Firms.Khaled Elsayed - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 65 (3):297-308.
    An emergent body of literature examined why some firms apply some environmental initiatives while other firms do not take responsibility for their natural environment? Thus, firm environmental orientation (responsiveness and performance) are linked in the literature to several variables. Unfortunately, the relationship between firm environmental orientation and either available resources or firm size showed mixed results and inconclusive evidence. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to show empirically how available resources and firm size can explain differences in firm environmental (...)
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  3. Christ, Scripture, and the Christian story of meaning in Origen.Khaled Anatolios - 1997 - Gregorianum 78 (1):55-77.
    Une fine analyse de la convergence des conceptions du Christ qu'a Origène et de l'Ecriture, met en scène non seulement la consistance interne et le fondement théorique de son exégèse christologique, mais nous présente également le récit que fait Origène de l'histoire du sens chrétien. Selon ce récit, le sens a premièrement une structure trinitaire: le Dieu unique en trois personnes, incorporel, est la source, le fondement et l'épanouissement de l'intelligibilité et de l'existence intellectuelle. Il a deuxièmement une structure christologique: (...)
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    La responsabilité médicale des accidents de la circoncision en Tunisie : à propos de trois affaires judiciaires.Khaled Annabi, Elyes Turki, Amal Ben Daly & Mohamed Ben Dhiab - 2020 - Médecine et Droit 2020 (165):145-149.
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    An Interview With Professor Brian Barry.Brian Bany - 1999 - Cogito 13 (2):77-85.
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    al-Jasad wa-al-wujūd, al-ʻatabah al-muqaddasah.Muʻādh Banī ʻĀmir - 2015 - Bayrūt: al-Markaz al-Thaqāfī al-ʻArabī.
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  7. Middle East and West: Can Common Ground Be Found?Abol-Hassan Bani-Sadr & Doris Schroeder - 2017 - In Doris Schroeder & Abol-Hassan Bani-Sadr, Dignity in the 21st Century - Middle East and West. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
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  8. The Quest for Dignity.Abol-Hassan Bani-Sadr, Doris Schroeder & Abol‐Hassan Bani-Sadr - 2017 - In Doris Schroeder & Abol-Hassan Bani-Sadr, Dignity in the 21st Century - Middle East and West. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
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    The universe of Vedanta.Bani Deshpande - 1974 - New Delhi: selling agents, People's Pub. House.
    On the compatibility of Vedanta philosophy with Marxism; a Marxist interpretation.
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  10. Registration and Recognition: Documenting the Person in World History.Fahmy Khaled - 2012
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    (1 other version)Le rôle et l’impact des TIC dans la révolution tunisienne.Khaled Zouari - 2013 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 66 (2):, [ p.].
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  12. The Disaster of the Impact Factor.Khaled Moustafa - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (1):139-142.
    Journal impact factor is a value calculated annually based on the number of times articles published in a journal are cited in two, or more, of the preceding years. At the time of its inception in 1955 , the inventor of the impact factor did not imagine that 1 day his tool would become a controversial and abusive measure, as he confessed 44 years later . The impact factor became a major detrimental factor of quality, creating huge pressures on authors, (...)
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  13. Équations génériques dans un groupe stable nilpotent.Khaled Jaber - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (2):761-768.
    We prove that in a nilpotent-by-finite stable group an equation that holds generically holds everywhere. Combining this result with results of Wagner and Bryant, we conclude that a soluble-by-finite stable group of generic exponent n has exponent n.
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    Conflict talk and argumentative strategies in highly adversarial talk shows: The case of Al-Jazeera’s The Opposite Direction.Khaled Abu Abbas, Muhammad A. Badarneh & Fathi Migdadi - 2013 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 9 (1):93-121.
    This study examines the conflict strategies used in the highly adversarial and popular Arabic-language talk show broadcasted weekly on Al-Jazeera satellite channel, known as Al-Ittijah Al-Mu’aakis 'The Opposite Direction'. The study identifies the conflict strategies and verbal conflict expressions and approaches them in the light of Interactional Sociolinguistics. The analysis of three episodes debating three different topics shows that disputants used several types of strategies including "impoliteness", "aggravated impoliteness", topic restriction, lengthy holding of the floor, and sarcasm. The speakers' bald-on-record (...)
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  15. Divine semiotics and the way to the triune God in Augustine's De Trinitatis.Khaled Anatolios - 2009 - In L. G. Patterson, Andrew Brian McGowan, Brian E. Daley & Timothy J. Gaden, God in early Christian thought: essays in memory of Lloyd G. Patterson. Boston: Brill.
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    Baḥth fī al-lā yaqīn: qirāʼah falsafīyah fī al-īmān wa-al-ilḥād.Muʻādh Banī ʻĀmir - 2021 - Baghdād: Maktabat Dār Alkā.
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    Foundations of ethics in management.Bani P. Banerjee - 2005 - New Delhi: Excel Books.
    And while globalisation has ushered in many benefits for companies and consumers alike, this book posits that it is the fierce competition of global market-places which drives the largely unopposed belief that firms exist solely to enhance ...
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    Out of Court Mediation in Lithuanian Administrative Procedure: Concept and Development Trends.Aurimas Banys - 2015 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 21 (4):1117.
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    Response to Selected Commentaries on the AJOB Target Article “On the Ethics of Facial Transplantation Research”.Joseph C. Banis, John H. Barker, Michael Cunningham, Cedric G. Francois, Allen Furr, Federico Grossi, Moshe Kon, Claudio Maldonado, Serge Martinez, Gustavo Perez-Abadia, Marieke Vossen & Osborne P. Wiggins - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (3):W23-W31.
    Main Response Topics ? Introduction ? Open display and public evaluation ? Publicity versus patient privacy ? Facial tissue donation ? Validity of Louisville Instrument for Risk Acceptance ? Patients' understanding of risk ? Face versus hand transplantation ? Rejection rates/risks ? Patient compliance ? Exit strategy ? Functional recovery ? Societietal implications ? Psychological implications ? Conclusion: Uncertainty likely to persist.
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    The use and abuse of "holy war".Khaled Abou El Fadl - 2000 - Ethics and International Affairs 14:133–140.
    To avoid a clash of civilizations competing traditions must engage in discourse and search for grounds of commonality. Understanding differences and overcoming points of dissonance are essential for peaceful coexistence.
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    Birth of the'Secular'Individual: Medical and Legal Methods of Identification in Nineteenth-Century Egypt.Khaled Fahmy - 2012 - In Fahmy Khaled, Registration and Recognition: Documenting the Person in World History. pp. 335.
    This chapter describes a number of medico-administrative and legal changes that were introduced in nineteenth-century Egypt and that gave rise to an individualized conception of identity. Prompted by the recruitment needs of a new conscript army, an administrative apparatus was put in place that gave rise to novel techniques of identifying peasants, monitoring their movements, and controlling their bodies. A wide-ranging public hygiene programme aimed at serving the army resulted in a statistical regime whose crowning achievement was a nation-wide census. (...)
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    Classes of algebras that are not closed under completions.Mohamed Khaled & Tarek Sayed Ahmed - 2009 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 38 (1/2):29-43.
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    On complete representations of algebras of logic.Mohamed Khaled & Tarek Sayed-Ahmed - 2009 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 17 (3):267-272.
    We show that there exists an atomic polyadic equality algebra of dimension n that is elementary equivalent to a completely representable algebra, but its diagonal free reduct is not completely representable.
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    Vaughts theorem holds for L2 but fails for Ln when n> 2.Mohamed Khaled & T. Sayed Ahmed - 2010 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 39 (3/4):107-122.
  25.  30
    (1 other version)Le site Webcomics, un exemple d'interactivité.Khaled Zouari - 2009 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 54 (2):127-132.
    À travers une approche communicationnelle, cette contribution s’oriente et se focalise autour de liens entre bande dessinée et technologies de l’information et de la communication. Nous essayerons d’examiner comment Internet peut influer sur les pratiques des auteurs et des lecteurs de bande dessinée, ainsi que sur les schémas relationnels qui lient ces derniers. À travers l’analyse du site Webcomics, nous nous intéresserons à l’interactivité et à la place de l’usager dans le dispositif technique.Using a communicational approach, this study focuses on (...)
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  26.  43
    The use of abstract paintings and narratives to foster reflective capacity in medical educators: a multinational faculty development workshop.Khaled Karkabi, Hedy Wald & Orit Castel - 2014 - Medical Humanities 40 (1):44-48.
    Reflective capacity is integral to core healthcare professional practice competencies. Reflection plays a central role in teacher education as reflecting on teaching behaviours with critical analysis can potentially improve teaching practice. The humanities including narrative and the visual arts can serve as a valuable tool for fostering reflection. We conducted a multinational faculty development workshop aiming to enhance reflective capacity in medical educators by using a combination of abstract paintings and narratives. Twenty-three family physicians or physicians-in-training from 10 countries participated (...)
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  27.  24
    Conceptual Distance and Algebras of Concepts.Mohamed Khaled & Gergely Székely - forthcoming - Review of Symbolic Logic:1-16.
    We show that the conceptual distance between any two theories of first-order logic is the same as the generator distance between their Lindenbaum–Tarski algebras of concepts. As a consequence of this, we show that, for any two arbitrary mathematical structures, the generator distance between their meaning algebras (also known as cylindric set algebras) is the same as the conceptual distance between their first-order logic theories. As applications, we give a complete description for the distances between meaning algebras corresponding to structures (...)
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  28. Blind Manuscript Submission to Reduce Rejection Bias?Khaled Moustafa - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (2):535-539.
    High percentages of submitted papers are rejected at editorial levels without offering a second chance to authors by sending their papers for further peer-reviews. In most cases, the rejections are typical quick answers without helpful argumentations related to the content of the rejected material. More surprisingly, some journals vaunt their high rejection rates as a “mark of prestige”!However, journals that reject high percentages of submitted papers have built their prominent positions based on a flawed measure, the impact factor, and from (...)
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  29.  63
    Anthropological Sensibility and Secular Numbness: Preliminary Analysis of Wolf on Power.Khaled Furani - 2008 - Theory and Event 11 (1).
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    Two Arabic Deeds of House Lease Agreement on Papyrus.Khaled Younes - 2017 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 94 (1):57-65.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Der Islam Jahrgang: 94 Heft: 1 Seiten: 57-65.
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    Teaching reflective competence in medical education using paintings.Khaled Karkabi & Castel O. Cohen - 2011 - Medical Humanities 37 (1):58.
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    Competing Logics in the Islamic Funds Industry: A Market Logic Versus a Religious Logic.Khaled O. Alotaibi, Christine Helliar & Nongnuch Tantisantiwong - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 175 (1):207-230.
    In contrast to the conventional fund management industry with a profit-oriented logic based on risk and return, ethical and faith-based funds should follow the religious principles of their investment-style philosophy. Islamic funds should obey the theological teachings of the primary sources of Islam, the Quran and Sunnah, as stakeholders expect these religious teachings to influence the investment decisions of fund managers. In practice, Islamic fund managers use Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions ’s screening criteria, based on secondary (...)
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    The liar paradox in fifteenth-century Shiraz: the exchange between Ṣadr al-Dīn al-Dashtakī and Jalāl al-Dīn al-Dawānī.Khaled El-Rouayheb - 2020 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 28 (2):251-275.
    ABSTRACTTwo rival scholars from Shiraz in Persia, Dawānī and Dashtakī engaged in a bitter and extended dispute over a range of metaphysical and logical issues. One of these was the liar paradox. Their debate on this point marked the most extensive scrutiny of the paradox in Arabic until that time. Dashtakī’s solution was to deny that the statement ‘What I say is false’ is true or false, on the ground that there is one statement and one application of the falsity (...)
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    The free non-commutative cylindric algebras are not atomic.Mohamed Khaled - 2017 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 25 (5):673-685.
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    CRISPR: Beyond the Excitement.Khaled Moustafa - 2024 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 21 (1):7-9.
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    Dignity in the 21st Century - Middle East and West.Doris Schroeder & Abol-Hassan Bani-Sadr (eds.) - 2017 - Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
    This book offers a unique and insightful analysis of Western and Middle Eastern concepts of dignity and illustrates them with examples of everyday life. Dignity in the 21st Century - Middle East and West is unique and insightful for a range of reasons. First, the book is co-authored by scholars from two different cultures (Middle East and West). As a result, the interpretations of dignity covered are broader than those in most Western publications. Second, the ambition of the book is (...)
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  37.  14
    A Version of Predicate Logic with Two Variables That has an Incompleteness Property.Mohamed Khaled - forthcoming - Studia Logica:1-23.
    In this paper, we consider predicate logic with two individual variables and general assignment models (where the set of assignments of the variables into a model is allowed to be an arbitrary subset of the usual one). We prove that there is a statement such that no general assignment model in which it is true can be finitely axiomatized. We do this by showing that the free relativized cylindric algebras of dimension two are not atomic.
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    Croatian Philosophers II: Juraj Dragišiæ–Georgius Benignus de Salviatis (ca. 1445–1520).Erna Baniæ-Pajniæ - 2004 - Prolegomena 3:2.
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    Hybrid Real-Time Protection System for Online Social Networks.Muneer Bani Yassein, Shadi Aljawarneh & Yarub Wahsheh - 2020 - Foundations of Science 25 (4):1095-1124.
    The impact of Online Social Networks on human lives is foreseen to be very large with unprecedented amount of data and users. OSN users share their ideas, photos, daily life events, feelings and news. Since OSNs’ security and privacy challenges are more potential than ever before, it is necessary to enhance the protection and filtering approaches of OSNs contents. This paper explores OSNs’ threats and challenges, and categorize them into: account-based, URL-based and content-based threats. In addition, we analyze the existing (...)
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    Study and simulation of reaction–diffusion systems affected by interacting signaling pathways.Majid Bani-Yaghoub & David E. Amundsen - 2008 - Acta Biotheoretica 56 (4):315-328.
    Possible effects of interaction (cross-talk) between signaling pathways is studied in a system of Reaction–Diffusion (RD) equations. Furthermore, the relevance of spontaneous neurite symmetry breaking and Turing instability has been examined through numerical simulations. The interaction between Retinoic Acid (RA) and Notch signaling pathways is considered as a perturbation to RD system of axon-forming potential for N2a neuroblastoma cells. The present work suggests that large increases to the level of RA–Notch interaction can possibly have substantial impacts on neurite outgrowth and (...)
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    Petrićev put: od kritike Aristotela do pobožne filozofije.C. Erna Bani C.-Pajni - 2001 - Zagreb: Institut za filozofiju.
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    Publishers: Save Authors’ Time.Khaled Moustafa - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (2):815-816.
    Scientific journals ask authors to put their manuscripts, at the submission stage, sometimes in a complex style and a specific pagination format that are time consuming while it is unclear yet that the submitted manuscripts will be accepted. In the case of rejections, authors need to submit to another journal most likely with a different style and formatting that require additional work and time. To save authors’ time, publishers should allow authors to submit their manuscripts in any format and to (...)
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  43. Dignity in the West.Abol-Hassan Bani-Sadr & Doris Schroeder - 2017 - In Doris Schroeder & Abol-Hassan Bani-Sadr, Dignity in the 21st Century - Middle East and West. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
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    Posthumanism, Artificial Intelligence and Ishiguro's Klara & the Sun: Can Humanoid Machines attain consciousness?Khaled Abkar Alkodimi - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:2000-2014.
    This paper examines Kazuo Ishiguro's Klara and The Sun through the lens of posthumanism. It uses the textual analysis method to analyze Ishiguro's text as a posthuman novel that depicts the posthuman society where the boundaries between what is human and the nonhuman is blurred. The basic argument is that the aim of Ishiguro's text is two-fold, while it clearly illustrates the inability of the humanoid robot to attain human consciousness, it attempts also to dismantle the anthropocentric view of man. (...)
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  45. Fake Journals: Not Always Valid Ways to Distinguish Them.Khaled Moustafa - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (5):1391-1392.
    In their recent paper, Esfe et al. present some criteria for fake journals and propose some ‘features’ to recognize them. While I share most of the authors’ concerns about this issue in general, some of the reported criteria are not fit to differentiate fake journals from genuine ones. Here are some examples derived from their list, which illustrate that such criteria are not necessarily specific to fake journals only, but they could also apply to well-established journals and, therefore, should not (...)
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    Susceptible to the Sacred: The Psychological Experience of Ritual.Mrs Bani Shorter & Bani Shorter - 1996 - Routledge.
    In _Susceptible to the Sacred_, Bani Shorter, a well-known Jungian analyst, examines the psychological experience of ritual in contemporary life and how this promotes awareness of the individual's natural potential. Basing her book on live material, she investigates, with great sensitivity, how people perceive the sacred and use ritual in their search for purpose, motivation and transformation.
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  47. Impossible Antecedents and Their Consequences: Some Thirteenth-Century Arabic Discussions.Khaled El-Rouayheb - 2009 - History and Philosophy of Logic 30 (3):209-225.
    The principle that a necessarily false proposition implies any proposition, and that a necessarily true proposition is implied by any proposition, was apparently first propounded in twelfth century Latin logic, and came to be widely, though not universally, accepted in the fourteenth century. These principles seem never to have been accepted, or even seriously entertained, by Arabic logicians. In the present study, I explore some thirteenth century Arabic discussions of conditionals with impossible antecedents. The Persian-born scholar Afdal al-Dīn al-Kh najī (...)
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  48.  13
    Four Arabic Legal Documents Belonging to ʿAmmār b. Salama b. ʿAbd al-Wārith.Khaled Younes - 2021 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 98 (1):181-220.
    This paper edits and studies four Arabic legal documents, written on two papyri, now housed in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University. The documents belong to a certain ʿAmmār b. Salama b. ʿAbd al-Wārith, a merchant from al-Bahnasā. Document 1 (P.CTYBR inv. 1720 verso) records a contract of sale of two inherited portions belonging to a Copt with double names, a Christian and a Muslim one. The contract touches on two significant socio-religious subjects: 1. name change (...)
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    All the Pasha's Men: Mehmed Ali, His Army and the Making of Modern Egypt.Mine Ener & Khaled Fahmy - 2001 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (1):102.
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  50. Internet and Advertisement.Khaled Moustafa - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (1):293-296.
    The Internet has revolutionized the way knowledge is currently produced, stored and disseminated. A few finger clicks on a keyboard can save time and many hours of search in libraries or shopping in stores. Online trademarks with an prefix such as e-library, e-business, e-health etc., are increasingly part of our daily professional vocabularies. However, the Internet has also produced multiple negative side effects, ranging from an unhealthy dependency to a dehumanization of human relationships. Fraudulent, unethical and scam practices are also (...)
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